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Innovation Management Software

Companies need more than just good ideas: they require a structure that allows them to manage, evaluate, and develop those ideas efficiently. This is where innovation management software comes into…

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Collaboration on innovation projects

In my experience, innovation projects are often complex, requiring the integration of multiple disciplines, knowledge and perspectives. In this context, effective collaboration becomes a critical factor to achieve the proposed…

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Funding innovation

Innovating is essential to maintaining any organization’s time competitiveness, but funding is often needed to bring ideas to reality. Below are the most common ways to finance innovation projects. Internal…

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Mariona 2.0

Little by little we are putting together the pieces of this new professional stage of mine. After 4 years as managing director of the Institut d’Innovació Empresarial de les Illes…

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Innovation Management Process

Many people think that innovating only has to do with inspiration, creativity and good ideas. But Innovation has a lot more to do with hard work, systematization, and ability to…

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Innovation project Management

As far as I have experienced, Innovation cannot be successful without being structured as a Project. Companies can develop their day-to-day activities in a fuctional way, this is, each department…

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