Mariona 2.0

Little by little we are putting together the pieces of this new professional stage of mine. After 4 years as managing director of the Institut d’Innovació Empresarial de les Illes Balears, IDI, the regional development agency of the Balearic Islands, I return to my work as a freelance consultant in innovation management.

In the previous stage, I worked as a freelancer under the name InnoBalears, and the posts before this one (you will see posts from 2005!) correspond to that stage.

Between 2019 and 2023, I wrote on the IDI blog, the company I ran, and now I once again choose this format as a way to disseminate the reflections that arise from my work, in case they inspire or serve, and also to make them more present.

I begin this new stage with enthusiasm, commitment, joy of life and a lot of work, really!

I made the decision to open this new freelance phase after a process of reflection on how I wanted to live the next few years and how could I contribute in the best possible way to the society I would like to create: a sustainable society, which makes the most of the capacity of individual and collective thinking and love towards ourselves, towards those we love and towards all beings, to make decisions.

On this website you can see a little what type of projects I have done and from where, I hope it helps you. My plans for the next few years include continuing to identify and incorporate new innovation management tools and models, working on interesting topics with incredible people, promoting the blue economy, being a digital nomad, contributing to the change I want and continuing to walk with my mind on march and open heart.

You know, with me there is always time for an infusion, a coffee, a beer or whatever you have to share what you have at hand: a project, a dream, an idea, a vision or a problem.

I hope we are lucky.

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